Tuesday, 22 January 2019

This Is England Assault Scene

The scene consists of many different close up shots of the characters that switches between them often. This helps to create some tension and allow to audience to see how each character reacts to the events that unfold. From the beginning of Milky talking about his family the expression on Combo's face is one of distress which becomes clearer as Milky continues.

Even after Combo stands up and begins questioning him Milky continues to talk to Combo in a casual way and still smiles despite his suspicions on what his happening. It is only when Combo says a racial slur that the look on Milky's face becomes more serious only to begin smirking at Combo once his suspicions are confirmed. From this point the majority of close ups are on Combo and Milky aside from one of Shaun. This shows how this is between Combo and Milky and the other's are just observers, the one shot of Shaun shows that he is involved in some way as he is the only one that tries to prevent Combo from attacking Milky however he doesn't get physically involved and only talks to them

When Combo begins attacking Milky the camera constantly shifts between different types of shots however all of them either don't show Milky or obstruct him from view in some way, this prevents the audience from seeing the full extent of how much Combo's assault is hurting Milky which creates more tension as the audience will be in shock and constantly wondering if Milky is going to be alright. The point of view shot from Milky's perspective aligns the audience with him and makes them feel sympathetic to him as he didn't do anything to deserve the beating he is getting.

The England flag that Shaun gave to Combo in an earlier scene can be seen on the wall however it is dirtier then it was when it was initially scene. This represents how Combo is not exactly the proud English man that he thinks he is and is just a racist, the flag shows how people like Combo are not a good representative of England and instead just tainting its name.

This is also the scene where Shaun realises that Combo and his mates aren't the men he initially thought he was as he tries to stop Combo from attacking Milky only to be stopped and pinned down by Combo's friend. The camera often shifts between Combo assaulting Milky and Shaun struggling to get up informs the audience that this is not what Shaun wanted which is the opposite of Combo's mates as there is a close up of one of them smiling after Milky is assaulted

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